re: It's entirely like the money wasn't the for an Encores cast album...
Posted by: Chromolume 07:46 pm EST 01/06/25
In reply to: It's entirely like the money wasn't the for an Encores cast album... - Chazwaza 05:41 pm EST 01/06/25

frankly the original album is so fantastic i'm not sure I'd see the need, if i were them, to divert attention from that one

Funny. In classical music and opera, one generally welcomes many many different recordings of the same piece. "Covers" have been part of the pop/rock world for decades. Is this also "diverting attention," or isn't it just nice to have more than one take on the same music?

Previous: It's entirely like the money wasn't the for an Encores cast album... - Chazwaza 05:41 pm EST 01/06/25
Next: re: It's entirely like the money wasn't the for an Encores cast album... - Chazwaza 10:00 pm EST 01/06/25

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