100% Occupancy ... Ever?
Posted by: ruff24 10:50 am EST 02/15/24

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Broadway has never truly been 100% occupied. The closest I can recall was when Spider-Man had just opened, and 39 of the then 40 active houses had shows running (Studio 54 was dark). One could argue that the Majestic should be counted this spring, but with it & the Palace still closed for renovations--and assuming all the March openings last long enough--we should see shows open in 38 of 39 theaters this April, with only the Lyceum dark. To be so close to 100% three years after all were dark would be a nice comeback story.

Previous: re: Any musicals playing on or off Broadway Sunday evening April 21st? - oddone 04:51 pm EST 02/15/24
Next: re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - kess0078 01:02 pm EST 02/17/24

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