re: Any musicals playing on or off Broadway Sunday evening April 21st?
Last Edit: oddone 04:52 pm EST 02/15/24
Posted by: oddone 04:51 pm EST 02/15/24
In reply to: Any musicals playing on or off Broadway Sunday evening April 21st? - Funhomefan 03:12 pm EST 02/15/24

The Public Theater usually has Sunday evening performances, and indeed, they have two that evening - Sally & Tom and Jordans. They also have two things at Joe's Pub that evening.

Playwrights Horizons is another one that often has Sunday evening performances, but it looks like not that Sunday.

(I realize you were asking about musicals, and neither of the two shows at the Public are musicals. But maybe the Joe's Pub events would suffice?)

Previous: re: Any musicals playing on or off Broadway Sunday evening April 21st? - stagejunkie 06:18 pm EST 02/15/24
Next: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - ruff24 10:50 am EST 02/15/24

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