re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever?
Posted by: AlanScott 02:13 am EST 02/18/24
In reply to: re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - kess0078 01:02 pm EST 02/17/24

Very good! Much more recent than I would have thought. Perhaps this shouldn't be too surprising as shows run so much longer now. In the old days when plenty of shows disappeared at the end of opening week (and occasionally on opening night), it was perhaps less likely that there would not have been at least one empty house, even if it was just very temporarily empty.

Previous: re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - kess0078 01:02 pm EST 02/17/24
Next: re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - keikekaze 05:06 pm EST 02/16/24

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