re: It’s rare
Posted by: AlanScott 11:29 pm EST 02/16/24
In reply to: It’s rare - dramedy 06:26 pm EST 02/16/24

I have no inside info, but I would think that everyone involved with August: Osage County felt the show would play better in the Music Box. In addition, a higher percentage of seats would be filled in the Music Box, and audiences are affected by seeing lots of empty seats. Actors don't like to look out and see lots of empty seats. The chance to move to the ideally located and in every important way preferable Music Box could not be passed up.

Previous: It’s rare - dramedy 06:26 pm EST 02/16/24
Next: But it costs $500-$1m to transfer a show - dramedy 01:31 pm EST 02/17/24

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