re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever?
Posted by: AlanScott 05:38 pm EST 02/15/24
In reply to: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - ruff24 10:50 am EST 02/15/24

I think there have probably been plenty of times but you might have to go back to the 1950s and earlier. And like ryhog, I don't feel like doing the research, at least not right now. The earlier you go, the more theatres you would have to look up since a bunch have been demolished. Researching this would probably require a lot of work.

Previous: re: 100% Occupancy ... Ever? - AlanScott 06:32 pm EST 02/16/24
Next: It's usually spring that has most full - dramedy 12:59 pm EST 02/15/24

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