Emilia Perez - wow
Posted by: TheaterGoer 03:43 pm EST 01/05/25

Up until last night, Conclave was my favorite film of 2024 (and after a second viewing a few days ago, still feel that it could be a riveting stage play). But then I watch Emilia Perez and was knocked out by its audaciousness and beautifully realized visions. Unlike Conclave, this is a musical that’s enriched by its cinematic landscape. And Zoe Saldana gives a career changing performance — she’s got to be in a production of Kiss / Spiderwoman in the coming years.

Previous: re: No, they didn't - JereNYC 03:01 pm EST 01/06/25
Next: re: Emilia Perez - wow - JAllenC3 05:00 pm EST 01/06/25

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