Network’s live street filming before Sunset
Posted by: TheaterGoer 08:07 pm EST 12/06/24

I’ve enjoyed all the hoopla about SB’s act two opener—it’s a grand directorial moment—but I remember being slack jaw astonished when the same activity was employed years ago with Ivo van Hove‘s Network when Tony Goldwyn and Tatiana Masly did a similar jaunt on W44th (albeit not singing to a live orchestra). I had NEVER seen anything like it and yet the coverage of SB on this scene has taken up a hefty amount of PR space whereas I don’t remember Network (which had its flaws but was crazy exciting to watch) receiving much press other than a few paragraphs in a NY Times “how did they do that?” piece. Again—I get that the moment being sung adds to it, but feel like Ivo originated an untried theatrical risk AND put a well known star on the street and it paid off thrillingly and isn’t getting its due.

Not a rant, just a thought.

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