re: Patience!
Posted by: portenopete 06:53 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: Patience! - ryhog 03:24 pm EST 02/10/24

I don't know if anyone is talking about the print edition specifically. I must admit I long ago stopped reading the hard copy. A routine has been established- as I understand the schedule- that reviews are posted online around the time the Opening Night curtain is going up, critics presumably having attended one of the last two or three previews. This schedule seems more or less what the print edition used to offer in the days when coverage was deep and wide and considered essential.

Is the website not capable of displaying as many reviews as possible? What variables exist between someone (called a critic) submitting a review and another someone (called an editor) okaying it and pressing "post" (or some such command key)?

OH, MARY! is the work of a celebrated comedian/actor/cabaret artiste with an accomplished supporting cast playing at one of the most storied theatre spaces in the city. It strikes me as being something that ought to be at the top of Times' list of priorities.

Your soothing advice to relax and be patient is always appreciated, Dear Leader, and I will try to hold your wisdom close.

Previous: Patience! - ryhog 03:24 pm EST 02/10/24
Next: re: Patience! - ryhog 07:50 pm EST 02/10/24

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