re: Patience!
Posted by: portenopete 10:05 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: re: Patience! - ryhog 07:50 pm EST 02/10/24

Because I'm not reading the hard copy anymore I am not really aware of when things pop up online versus when they appear in the print edition. All I know is that on the rare occasion I read the actual paper I see articles that I read two, three, four days earlier online. I assumed that reviews would also hit the online edition before they'd hit the presses. And I am under the impression that today's artists don't really care whether a review is online only, as long as it's positive.

I didn't mean to imply that the pre-opening piece wasn't terrific. It just doesn't have the "run don't walk" oomph of a Times rave. You're certainly right that Escola's fan base has indeed been more of a downtown crowd, which is why I hope that the Times liked the show and will spread the word. I missed the Ludlam/Busch years and would love to see a raucously camp succes d'estime have a good long run.

Bon Spectacle, mon chum!

Previous: re: Patience! - ryhog 07:50 pm EST 02/10/24
Next: Broadway Transfer? - JereNYC 01:28 pm EST 02/10/24

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