Broadway Transfer?
Posted by: JereNYC ( 01:28 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - bobjohnny 06:19 am EST 02/10/24

I wonder if this production has plans for a Broadway transfer and the TIMES is planning to review it at that time. The reviews have mostly been raves and Escola and Ricamora aren't exactly unknowns.

But, then again, I haven't seen the play yet and the reviews that I've read made it seem very downtown, something that in the days of commercial off-Broadway, would run for years in a venue in the Village, but close in a week in the rarified air uptown on Broadway.

Previous: re: Patience! - portenopete 10:05 pm EST 02/10/24
Next: re: Broadway Transfer? - ryhog 12:18 pm EST 02/12/24

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