Posted by: HunterHailey 12:13 am EST 02/08/24
In reply to: re: GROWING UP - PlayWiz 04:07 pm EST 02/07/24

While I like Rich and Happy better as a song - That Frank is a much much better song for the production. Rich and Happy and the Graduation sequence are all premised on his movie failing. Far more impactful for him to be successful and supposedly have gotten everything that he wanted and still come to the realization that he's screwed up. Far more powerful to win and be regretful than lose and be regretful.

The graduation framing really was used as a reason to set up the gimmick for the young kids to be playing these parts which I think everyone agrees by now was the absolute wrong way to go. Otherwise - no real purpose for it - all of his speeches philosophizing during that number just don't set up this approach to the show.

Previous: re: GROWING UP - PlayWiz 04:07 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie was a success - AlanScott 05:21 am EST 02/08/24

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