When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie was a success
Last Edit: AlanScott 05:21 am EST 02/08/24
Posted by: AlanScott 05:21 am EST 02/08/24
In reply to: re: GROWING UP - HunterHailey 12:13 am EST 02/08/24

When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie had been a success. So the somewhat longer version heard for a fair number of previews in 1981 reflected that Frank's movie was expected to be a success.

I haven't really thought about this before, but I wonder if it might be fairly to combine "Rich and Happy" with the necessary parts of "That Frank," replacing corresponding parts of "Rich and Happy," in order to go back to that.

Previous: re: GROWING UP - HunterHailey 12:13 am EST 02/08/24
Next: re: When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie was a success - HunterHailey 11:52 am EST 02/08/24

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