re: When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie was a success
Posted by: HunterHailey 11:52 am EST 02/08/24
In reply to: When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie was a success - AlanScott 05:21 am EST 02/08/24

That is interesting and I never knew that. Obviously it's hard to look at any show from 1981 and analyze it with a 2024 lens. But I do very much like Frank having the "if I had to do it all over again" attitude in the current opening scene. And I do believe that he is genuine about that.

That Frank does incorporate a number of musical elements from Rich and Happy (other than the actual "Rich and Happy") segments and I would have liked to see if they could have retained more of that while incorporating the different approach. While intellectually I completely agree with the reasoning behind That Frank - musically, it's probably the low point in the show for me which is not great for an opening number. (I also have mixed feeling about how they staged the first Merrily Opening as well but that's another matter).

If I were ever directing this version - I would love to add something in at the end where he's alone with him simply going to a phone, dialing someone, and hearing him say something like "Hi, it's me" - leaving it open to who he may have called. I felt this revival ends with at least a small hint of a chance that he makes some changes in his life. I have no idea if I'm in the minority on that or not!

Previous: When previews started in 1981, Frank's movie was a success - AlanScott 05:21 am EST 02/08/24
Next: re: GROWING UP - Chromolume 05:49 pm EST 02/07/24

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