More comic strip musicals
Posted by: showtunetrivia 08:10 pm EST 02/17/25
In reply to: re: lil abner - jbk 06:09 pm EST 02/17/25

Back in the wild and wooly days of the 1890s, there were multiple musicals based on R.F. Outcault’s Yellow Kid, who debuted in “Hogan’s Alley.” Part of this happened because when Hearst lured Outcault to his newspaper, he was allowed to keep the characters, but not the title, so his Yellow Kid proclaimed Hogan’s Alley was “condemned” and they were moving to “McFadden’s Row of Flats.” So there were dueling Yellow Kid strips in the World and the Journal, and, correspondingly, dueling Yellow Kid musicals (and also a long running burlesque in Philly that used characters from both strips…). Much the same situation happened a few years later, with Dirks’ Katzenjammer Kids. When he switched papers, he retitled the strip “Hans und Fritz.” There was an earlier Kids musical that briefly played Broadway in 1900 (starring Edward Blondell, father of Joan), before Dirks moved to Hearst. In 1918, there were two competing ones, and the respective producers came to an agreement that one company would play the eastern half of the country, the other the west, then they would switch the following season.

Laura in LA, who has finished with that elephant musical and is now wallowing in old comics

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Next: re: More comic strip musicals - Lapsedfan 09:37 am EST 02/19/25

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