re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy
Last Edit: ryhog 12:50 am EST 12/29/24
Posted by: ryhog 12:48 am EST 12/29/24
In reply to: Unpopular thought about Gypsy - ARReith1982 11:12 pm EST 12/28/24

Unless you know more than you are saying, you are inherently missing something because you do not know the situation. How many people are affected? In what way?

Beyond that, yes I would say you are unreasonable. You are blaming actors, but it could be the production that is to blame. It could be that there are insufficient covers, for example. You are assuming that no one cares about a second or third class performance at first class prices. People do. There is no excitement in seeing sick people with precious gifts plowing through and potentially ruining their careers. In baseball, we just say "Sandy Koufax" and everyone nods.

We know much more now than we did in that generation. We don't let actors "rally" when they should be in bed. We also don't let mine workers breathe in toxic substances or HVAC people install ductwork made of asbestos or painters paint in unventilated rooms as the roll lead onto the walls. Killing people for the excitement of others is not cool, or reasonable.

Sorry, I am not flaming you but you asked the question so I assume you wanted the answer.

P.S. RSV is running rampant in NYC right now.

Previous: re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy - Chromolume 12:23 pm EST 12/29/24
Next: re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy - NJGUY 11:44 pm EST 12/28/24

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