Last Edit: sergius 06:50 am EST 11/09/24
Posted by: sergius 06:47 am EST 11/09/24

More is less. In London, TAMMY FAYE was small and sharp. It’s bigger now—and blurrier. The new size is mostly a problem in the first Act where it has the effect of somewhat decentering the title character to make room for more, mostly visual, information. But the second Act is something of a course correction, and the show regains its focus. It helps immensely that Katie Brayden is as eminently skillful as she is. Her depiction is not a caricature, and she almost manages to obscure the fact that Tammy Faye, despite her vaunted sympathy for the gays and AIDS “victims” especially, was a complicit—at least—charlatan who exploited many people for personal gain (insert comparisons to EVITA here). Unfortunately for the show, many may not at the moment have much of an appetite for what is arguably the valorization of a false prophet. But, apart from this bit of bad timing and questionable intent, TAMMY FAYE is efficient and fairly adroit. John’s score, never less than and sometimes better than serviceable, and the good aptly bad choreography keep things moving. On balance, TAMMY FAYE is not quite the Second Coming, so to speak, but cons never are.

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