re: Tammy Faye - a total flop
Posted by: bway1430 01:56 am EDT 10/22/24
In reply to: re: Tammy Faye - a total flop - Chromolume 11:49 pm EDT 10/21/24

Not to mention that it is a bit cruel to write off a show that has only had two previews and has several weeks remaining to make changes - they are playing a reduced schedule until the week of opening so it is likely that was built in so though could use the time wisely.

But some people clearly feel better about themselves if they can be the first to tell everyone how'rotten' something is...a mindset I will never comprehend, nor do I care to.

Previous: re: Tammy Faye - a total flop - Chromolume 11:49 pm EDT 10/21/24
Next: also wish they didn't give major spoilers/plots/devices away without warning - Chazwaza 12:00 am EDT 10/22/24

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