re: Rumor has it...
Last Edit: royscho 04:49 pm EDT 10/11/24
Posted by: royscho 04:48 pm EDT 10/11/24
In reply to: Rumor has it... - Jason 04:06 pm EDT 10/11/24

Thanks Jason. But (a) no one will transfer ragtime with an orchestra of 28 and a cast of over 30 to broadway. They tried it once in 2009 and it lasted less than two months. The numbers won’t work unless it’s making millions every week. And as much as this show is adored by fans, it’s not gonna be a long-lasting hit.

Then, (b) even if you did transfer, you can still keep your first-choice cast for City Center/off-Broadway and recast some roles later, as they’ve done with so many transfers in the past (like Hair, Hamilton, Into the Woods, among others.)

Previous: re: Rumor has it... - Chazwaza 06:19 pm EDT 10/11/24
Next: re: Rumor has it... - ShowGoer 05:36 pm EDT 10/11/24

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