re: It's not Encores!
Last Edit: Chazwaza 02:21 pm EDT 10/12/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 02:21 pm EDT 10/12/24
In reply to: It's not Encores! - Revned 11:00 am EDT 10/12/24

I don't think there's such a thing as a "City Center fall production"... these are special class Encores productions that run longer (PIAZZA was this too), and may be "bigger" but I don't think so. Parade had a very limited design that I don't think was any bigger than the normal stuff they do (Having a basic platform center and a projection screen isn't hard to pull off)... Piazza's set design I thought was terrible, it has a set I suppose but I don't think it was one that cost them much or was much more than a lot of their Encores shows. Yes, these are more than a stage with chairs and music stands, but I think most of their productions have gotten a bit more than that for decades now, depending on the needs of the show and the budget that year.
But I could be wrong.

ITW also had a two week run, as did Oliver if I'm remembering correctly.

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Next: re: It's not Encores! - Ann 02:33 pm EDT 10/12/24

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