re: So does this mean the League decided to take a pass on Ken Page? (nm)
Last Edit: writerkev 08:36 am EDT 10/10/24
Posted by: writerkev 08:34 am EDT 10/10/24
In reply to: So does this mean the League decided to take a pass on Ken Page? (nm) - WaymanWong 08:22 pm EDT 10/09/24

Really? No disrespect to anyone, honestly, but the light dimming seems to have gone the way of standing ovations. It becomes meaningless when everyone gets one.

It was meant to be a rare event to show the profound loss of a Broadway institution—someone without whom the lights of Broadway are dimmer. Adrian Bailey? Ken Page? They might as well do away with the gesture, in my opinion. It’s lost its meaning.

Previous: So does this mean the League decided to take a pass on Ken Page? (nm) - WaymanWong 08:22 pm EDT 10/09/24
Next: re: So does this mean the League decided to take a pass on Ken Page? (nm) - mikem 03:14 pm EDT 10/10/24

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