Merrily question
Posted by: LouHarry 02:33 pm EDT 07/24/24

If the revival of Merrily has, as many say, mand the show itself great -- or that audiences have finally woken up to its quality -- why was there no faith that another cast could keep it running on Broadway?
By closing it without replacements, the message seems to be a lack of trust in the show to appeal.
Were they just concerned about a Producers-like letdown?
Or is there reason to believe talent that had some drawing power didn't want to be in the shadow of this trio?
Honestly seeking the wisdom of this move.
Thanks for thoughtful comments/discussion.

Previous: re: Jeez - Call me crazy but - KingSpeed 07:12 pm EDT 07/24/24
Next: re: Merrily question - WaymanWong 08:34 pm EDT 07/24/24

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