re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more.
Posted by: AlanScott 09:47 pm EST 02/21/24
In reply to: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AC126748 08:27 am EST 02/21/24

Oh, I'm not suggesting it was better, and I don't think I wrote that, although I can see how it might sound that way. Just saying that it's hard to feel sorry for the critics nowadays having to cover 18 openings in two months. That doesn't seem like a lot.

The surprise is that sometimes the critics in the old days did end up saying interesting things, at least I think so, although I agree that sometimes (not always) it was pretty rudimentary. Sometimes it's still pretty rudimentary. A guy named John Corbin, who is pretty much forgotten now, wrote some interesting reviews and Sunday followup pieces for the Times way back in the 1920s and earlier. And Kerr was often perceptive, despite what might be termed his old-fashioned tastes, and he almost always wrote well.

But I definitely think that the system now where critics come to previews (which is quite old now) is a significantly better system.

Previous: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AC126748 08:27 am EST 02/21/24
Next: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AC126748 02:20 pm EST 02/20/24

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