re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more.
Posted by: AC126748 08:27 am EST 02/21/24
In reply to: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AlanScott 11:22 pm EST 02/20/24

Yeah, given how much busier Broadway was at many times in the past, not to mention adding in Off-Broadway openings to cover as well, it's hard to feel sorry for the critics. Especially when you factor in that the daily critics for the morning papers had an hour or two — maybe less in the really old days — to write their reviews.

Do you honestly think it was a better system when critics would jump from their seats (sometimes before the end of a performance) and dictate a review over the phone to a copy editor? I know a lot of nostalgists wax poetic about the days of Atkinson and Kerr, but when you actually read the vast majority of those reviews, they come across as rudimentary sketches, with questionable insight and banal language.

Previous: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AlanScott 11:22 pm EST 02/20/24
Next: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AlanScott 09:47 pm EST 02/21/24

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