re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more.
Posted by: AC126748 02:20 pm EST 02/20/24
In reply to: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - MockingbirdGirl 10:35 am EST 02/20/24

As someone who has been an awards voter for many years, and who has many friends who work in theatrical publicity (and theater journalism), I've never heard anyone extoling the virtues of the late-season onslaught, which is caused by the received wisdom that opening closer to the Tony deadline results in a greater likelihood of nomination. This strikes me as Jesse Green taking a ridiculous view that no one actually holds in order to squeeze out a column.

Previous: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - AlanScott 09:47 pm EST 02/21/24
Next: re: Jesse Green: Eighteen openings in two months will drive everyone crazy. But maybe there should be even more. - KingSpeed 09:49 pm EST 02/20/24

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