re: Jesse Green: Tony Best Musicals by Season
Posted by: ryhog 02:18 am EST 02/21/24
In reply to: re: Jesse Green: Tony Best Musicals by Season - Musicals54 05:09 pm EST 02/20/24

I don't think this speaks to the question. The cream always rises to the top. While there are shows on your list that are hard to fathom (Memphis? How did that happen), the bottom line is that Hamilton could have opened on New Years Eve with the curtain rising as the ball dropped and it still would have won. But that does not say anything about the less than sure things. Moreover, the list of "winners" does not make a meaningful comment about the idea that critics should be discouraging more rather than less theatre. That, to me, is the most telling sign that these critics have lost sight of the forest and are focused, mostly for personal reasons, on the trees. The more theatre there is, the healthier the theatre is.

Previous: re: Jesse Green: Tony Best Musicals by Season - Musicals54 05:09 pm EST 02/20/24
Next: re: Jesse Green: Tony Best Musicals by Season - MockingbirdGirl 06:41 pm EST 02/20/24

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