re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty
Last Edit: PlayWiz 03:41 pm EST 02/21/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 03:35 pm EST 02/21/24
In reply to: re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty - Chromolume 03:03 pm EST 02/21/24

But they didn't become ordinary -- they became famous as the Von Trapp Family Singers. :) I think I used to skip over "An Ordinary Couple" when listening to the OCR, too boring a song, and "Something Good" in the film always seemed so darn mushy to me when I saw it as a kid. Apparently Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer couldn't keep a straight face while filming it for a while, one reason Robert Wise decided to film a lot of it in the shadows. But yes, the song worked with Stritch. Besides, who'd have thought Maria had done anything really bad as a young'un, other than being called out for being tardy and not being pious enough in the Abbey. Stritch seemed to be saying about herself in that song, among other things, that like Agnes Gooch would say, she "lived". And how!

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