re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty
Posted by: Chromolume 05:25 pm EST 02/21/24
In reply to: re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty - PlayWiz 03:35 pm EST 02/21/24

Besides, who'd have thought Maria had done anything really bad as a young'un, other than being called out for being tardy and not being pious enough in the Abbey.

I'd have to look back at the text to be sure, but hasn't Maria only been at the abbey for a fairly short time? It seems to me that all the complaining about her habits (pun intended) couldn't have gone on for THAT long...

But they didn't become ordinary -- they became famous as the Von Trapp Family Singers. :-)

And yes, that's so true. But they didn't know that at the time, of course. :-)

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