re: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA
Posted by: BruceinIthaca 11:18 am EST 02/21/24
In reply to: re: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA - lordofspeech 11:57 am EST 02/20/24

What's more, if the interviewer had asked a male actor the same question about a female actor (or vice versa), I bet the interviewer would be canceled. But because it's about two men, the interviewer feels it's okay.

Previous: re: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA - lordofspeech 11:57 am EST 02/20/24
Next: All of us strangers. Spoilers - dramedy 04:27 pm EST 02/18/24

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