re: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA
Posted by: lordofspeech 11:57 am EST 02/20/24
In reply to: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA - WaymanWong 11:30 am EST 02/19/24

Well, yes, I guess the interviewer was being a little « naughty. ». But I felt bad for Scott because there he was, showing up for his movie even though he hadnt been nominated. And should have been.

Previous: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA - WaymanWong 11:30 am EST 02/19/24
Next: re: Scott gets cringey, red-carpet questions at BAFTA - BruceinIthaca 11:18 am EST 02/21/24

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