re: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday?
Posted by: ryhog 08:04 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: re: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday? - DistantDrumming 07:17 pm EST 02/10/24

I would suggest that you have not heard "it."

Let's let them settle into the roles, and then let people who have actually seen it (what a shocking idea!) tell us what THEY think. That might even include me, but I doubt I will post an opinion.

Previous: re: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday? - Unhookthestars 09:14 pm EST 02/10/24
Next: yes and no.... - DistantDrumming 02:00 am EST 02/11/24

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