re: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday?
Last Edit: DistantDrumming 07:17 pm EST 02/10/24
Posted by: DistantDrumming 07:17 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday? - Unhookthestars 02:40 pm EST 02/10/24

I didn't see it, but I... heard it. Oy. I've heard more vocally fitting performances of Sweeney and Mrs L in community theatre productions. Hopefully their full performances and (presumably) box office pull make up for the vocals.

Previous: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday? - Unhookthestars 02:40 pm EST 02/10/24
Next: re: Anyone see Sweeney with Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit yesterday? - Unhookthestars 09:14 pm EST 02/10/24

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