re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"?
Posted by: lordofspeech 11:04 am EST 02/10/24
In reply to: re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - NewtonUK 08:37 am EST 02/10/24

There were long periods where the Village Voice and the Times refrained from reviewing off-Broadway shows. And then, sometimes with only a few days left of a run, a review would pop up and the show would sell out. Thank God for the internet, people m/tourists can find out about shows and book tickets without the imprinatur oc the press.

Previous: re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - NewtonUK 08:37 am EST 02/10/24
Next: re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - comedywest 01:55 pm EST 02/10/24

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