re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"?
Posted by: comedywest 01:55 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - lordofspeech 11:04 am EST 02/10/24

If I remember correctly, I think that happened with the original Little Shop of Horrors. It opened at the WPA on about May 5, 1082, and the review appeared around Memorial Day. For a showcase, that would be near the end of the run.

As I recall, it was a mixed review.

Previous: re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - lordofspeech 11:04 am EST 02/10/24
Next: re: Where is NYT review of "Oh, Mary!"? - NYCscribe 09:49 am EST 02/10/24

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