re: Do actors prefer specific performance days?
Posted by: dbg 12:38 pm EST 02/09/24
In reply to: re: Do actors prefer specific performance days? - ablankpage 12:13 pm EST 02/09/24

Well said. I would like to commend such stars as Hugh Jackman, Daniel Radcliffe and Harvey Fierstein for their dedication to performing eight times a week in shows that have demanding roles. I know Hugh Jackman had Covid at some point in THE MUSIC MAN causing a few absences, but otherwise I don't think he ever missed a performance. Has Daniel Radcliffe ever been absent from any of his Broadway shows? Fierstein was known for always being there and only missed one time, I believe, when he became ill at a performance. Please correct me if I am wrong. The reviews for Merrily all raved about the chemistry of its three leads. I imagine there is some disappointment when one of them is missing with regularity, presumably not always for illness.

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