re: Do actors prefer specific performance days?
Last Edit: Singapore/Fling 12:58 pm EST 02/09/24
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 12:57 pm EST 02/09/24
In reply to: re: Do actors prefer specific performance days? - ablankpage 12:13 pm EST 02/09/24

It’s a hyperbole that reflects a genuine belief: actors and theater artists must put aside all personal concerns and self-care in order to do their job. This is true in the in industry and with a certain set of the general public. We’ve heard more than enough rhetoric on this site over the past decade for at least some of us to recognize that “the joke” is carrying the truth.

Previous: re: Do actors prefer specific performance days? - ablankpage 12:13 pm EST 02/09/24
Next: re: Do actors prefer specific performance days? - dbg 12:38 pm EST 02/09/24

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