re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review
Posted by: AlanScott 08:18 pm EST 02/08/24
In reply to: re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - bmc 09:34 am EST 02/08/24

I think you may have been the only person at the first preview who really liked it. :) But I'm awfully glad you did.

I was at the third preview (first of six times seeing it complete, plus two second acts), and I'm sorry to say that I thought it was a mess. I liked many things about it, but I could also see major problems. And although if memory serves some of the cast got well-deserved cheers at the end, it seemed like much of the audience was confused at least some of the time, and I could see why. I was not confused because I knew the original play, and even with the huge changes from the play, knowing the play was a big help.

Anyway, I loved the original production, but not so much at the third preview, despite the many good things that were visible and audible to some of us.

Previous: re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - bmc 09:34 am EST 02/08/24
Next: The Paper Pool !!! - Genealley 12:47 am EST 02/09/24

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