The paper pool and the myth of the dead drop
Posted by: AlanScott 01:42 am EST 02/09/24
In reply to: The Paper Pool !!! - Genealley 12:47 am EST 02/09/24

I saw the paper pool twice. It amazed me that it lasted for at least two weeks of previews. If I'd been Hal Prince, it would have been one of the first things to go. Massive changes were made while the pool was still there.

The paper pool would have been OK, or at least not so terribly embarrassing, if Gussie didn't have to fall into it with a loud tear rather than a splash.

You're the second person I've read recently saying that the show curtain was comprised of photos of dead people. Nixon was on it. Jimmy, Rosalynn and Amy Carter were on it. Ted Kennedy was on it. I think John Lennon was on it. (Not sure if I'm correct on who the one I think may be Lennon is.) He died before previews started, but after the time frame of the show. On the NYPL digital gallery, there is a photo of that show curtain composed of photos. I don't know where this myth came from, but it's incorrect.

Unless they mean some other drop that I don't remember.

Previous: The Paper Pool !!! - Genealley 12:47 am EST 02/09/24
Next: Question about the t-shirts - PlayWiz 12:58 pm EST 02/10/24

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