re: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius.
Posted by: Thom915 03:33 pm EST 02/07/24
In reply to: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius. - portenopete 12:54 pm EST 02/07/24

I agree that Amy Ryan should make a fantastic Sister Aloysius (so would Daly of course) and so good to see her return to Broadway in such a great role after almost twenty years. I have not been satisfied with any sister Aloysius I have since since Cherry Jones who seemed to channel my grade school principal Sister Columbine C.S.J. (I did not see Atkins) Even Streep in the movie seemed to me to be more Protestant than a Catholic nun around the time of the Second Vatican Council despite being directed by the playwright himself (her acting was otherwise flawless but it was the characterization that gave me pause) As far as Nuns being retired, in my experience in the sixties from some of the teachers I had or witnessed, a nun was not retired until they absolutely could teach no more but they would not have been given the position of Principal at the older age range. I wish Ms Daly well. What a talent she is and I hope she recovers quickly and returns to her career. But first a long rest and recovery is earned.

Previous: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius. - portenopete 12:54 pm EST 02/07/24
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