re: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius.
Posted by: portenopete 11:26 am EST 02/09/24
In reply to: re: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius. - Theatergoer1978 04:30 pm EST 02/07/24

I didn't see Ron Eldard when he replaced Brian O'Byrne but he seemed like a great bit of casting. Because we judge people by their looks, he immediately seemed like an upstanding young priest and I can well imagine a young gay kid falling in love with him and trusting him. Liev Schreiber is a marvellous actor but has always been physically and intellectually hulking and threatening and would make me cower.

Previous: re: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius. - Theatergoer1978 04:30 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: re: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius. - TheOtherOne 04:41 pm EST 02/07/24

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