'How about seeing the show first?'
Posted by: WaymanWong 04:28 pm EST 02/18/25
In reply to: You are not. - Chromolume 02:19 pm EST 02/18/25

Maybe broadwaybacker will chime in any minute, but this broadwaybacker's posting from a week ago:

''My wife and I won the lottery when ['Smash'] played at the Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College a year ago and we loved it, and we expect it'll be even better now. It's both funny and poignant with major plot twists, and Stroman pleaded with the audience not to reveal any of the spoilers, and after seeing it we understood why. In terms of 'Let me Be Your Star", when I heard it the first time (which is the way it's sung on the video) I was disappointed, but here's the thing. The song is reprised several times during the show, and it completely evolves, to the point that the evolution of the song itself is an integral part of the story. Just wait till you see it.''

Previous: You are not. - Chromolume 02:19 pm EST 02/18/25
Next: re: Are you the composer or the bookwriter? - Ncassidine 01:09 pm EST 02/18/25

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