Mango Mussolini was OK with it when it was...
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 06:18 pm EST 02/09/25
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 06:17 pm EST 02/09/25
In reply to: Kennedy Center Horrors? - winters 02:50 pm EST 02/09/25

Link ... Rudy Giuliani Dressed In Drag with Donald Trump

Previous: Your HS civics teacher would like a word about the F on your last test - MockingbirdGirl 10:47 pm EST 02/09/25
Next: re: Kennedy Center Horrors? In addition to Shakespeare, Republicans will be banning Mozart, Beethoven, Richard Strauss and more due to "drag." - WeillFan 05:40 pm EST 02/09/25

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