I was already to Atlantic Stage 2 when it was cancelled
Posted by: wizrdofoz27 03:49 pm EST 01/12/25
In reply to: IATSE Strikes Against Atlantic Theater Company - TheHarveyBoy 02:35 pm EST 01/12/25

Saw the workers picketing outside.

I don't know why Atlantic thought any union would reasonably agree to a "no-strike agreement" during contract negotiations- that's giving up a major, major source of leverage over a long-term contract for some short-term gains. If Atlantic really wanted a "no-strike agreement," it's called a fair contract, and I bet IATSE would be happy to discuss it.

Previous: re: Cheap shot - Singapore/Fling 06:52 pm EST 01/12/25
Next: re: IATSE Strikes Against Atlantic Theater Company - MockingbirdGirl 03:24 pm EST 01/12/25

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