totally false
Last Edit: Chazwaza 02:09 pm EST 01/10/25
Posted by: Chazwaza 02:06 pm EST 01/10/25
In reply to: re: Trigger warnings- community theatre - bsturtle 11:34 am EST 01/10/25

What a bizarre way to look at experiencing a story or a theatrical experience.... that being told in advance every little or major thing that might effect them or cause their emotions or interactions with their own personal experience to stir... lord. Talk about "spoilers".

Some... no, I'd say, the very vast majority of people want an organic experience with the play.

How about we make trigger warnings AVAILABLE to people who want them. And if they do they have to ask for a slip of paper and/or a QR code that tell THEM and ONLY THEM what the trigger warnings are.

I don't even want them visible to me without my consent. That is my trigger... being forced to pre-experience my fake theatrical experience. For most of these... grow up. The way to deal with trauma and triggers is absolutely not to shield yourself from ever being reminded of them or being exposed to performed theater or movies/tv where a completely other person is experiencing a similar thing. But if you're not ready yet in your healing journey to experience those things, then i get it, i feel for you, I want you to protect yourself... privately. Don't force everyone else to as well. And we also shouldn't be teaching audiences to expect these let alone to rely on them being there... unless they are presented as optional for personal access not full non-consensual exposure to the audience.

Previous: re: Trigger warnings- community theatre - bsturtle 11:34 am EST 01/10/25
Next: This is not correct - oddone 12:58 pm EST 01/10/25

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