re: This is not correct
Posted by: ryhog 01:54 pm EST 01/10/25
In reply to: This is not correct - oddone 12:58 pm EST 01/10/25

Agreed. These warnings reflect a couple of particular negative effects, one involving communication and one that is representative of the ill-effects of certain types of immunization (in the mental health, not physical health, context, but also true sometimes in the latter). The first is a variation on "crying wolf" in which exaggeration and hyperbole diminishes what we need to pay attention to. The second is in the nature of the ill-effects of the overuse of antibacterials and antibiotics. A properly functioning person is not one "protected" from processing all negatives in the world. And while there are certainly some things that one should be made aware of (and about which one might ask if there is a particular pathology), it is not correct that there is no harm from over-protection. A child with a scraped knee received a lesson, not a trauma, and a child prevented from falling down is deprived of a fulsome life.

Previous: re: This is not correct - Ncassidine 02:02 pm EST 01/10/25
Next: re: Trigger warnings- community theatre - davidack 11:46 am EST 01/10/25

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