re: Think she likes it cause it ain't Glenn Close and the original prdctn nm
Last Edit: PlayWiz 08:35 pm EST 12/12/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 08:34 pm EST 12/12/24
In reply to: re: Think she likes it cause it ain't Glenn Close and the original prdctn nm - royscho 01:34 pm EST 12/12/24

I realize what ALW did to LuPone re: Sunset Boulevard was pretty shitty, but she got a big settlement; plus, her getting the plum title role in his "Evita" made her a star PLUS she kept singing some of ALW's songs in her shows including "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina" afterwards. But glad she's enjoying the show now, and at least is focusing on the positive and not directing negative things ALW's way.

Previous: re: Think she likes it cause it ain't Glenn Close and the original prdctn nm - royscho 01:34 pm EST 12/12/24
Next: re: Think she likes it cause it ain't Glenn Close and the original prdctn nm - Delvino 03:14 pm EST 12/12/24

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