re: Carol Halstead on for Patti at Sunday matinee
Last Edit: Delvino 01:52 pm EST 12/09/24
Posted by: Delvino 01:47 pm EST 12/09/24
In reply to: re: Carol Halstead on for Patti at Sunday matinee - writerkev 01:24 pm EST 12/09/24

One such experience: Christopher Invar on as Atticus Finch. The play became ensemble in the best sense: we saw an entire community as an organic whole. Invar, an actor I’ve seen only in musicals, and admired, was startlingly fresh. The role seemed reminted, stripped of our expectation. The Sorkin script felt fuller, the balance restored. Yes, Atticus is a legendary star part. But the new focus on Tom Robinson was enhanced.

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