re: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion?
Posted by: Roman 08:34 pm EST 11/25/24
In reply to: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion? - DistantDrumming 01:33 am EST 11/25/24

She was a REVELATION. Subtle, charming, sexy, FUNNY, layered, and nuanced. She mailed the humor, the pathos, and the music. The best Rose I’ve seen. Though, Audra is running neck and neck.

The less said about Lupone, the better. The performance I attended, she missed much of the humor and just attacked. A completely unsurprising Rose.

I’ll never forgive Michael Reidel.

Previous: re: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion? - PlazaBoy 10:37 pm EST 11/25/24
Next: re: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion? - eastc0astryan 04:58 pm EST 11/25/24

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