re: Spoiler
Last Edit: AnyaS 07:07 pm EST 11/25/24
Posted by: AnyaS 07:02 pm EST 11/25/24
In reply to: Spoiler - dramedy 10:14 am EST 11/25/24

A quick Google search finds that the average height of a Korean man is 5'8" or 5'9" depending on which source you believe. Google also finds that Darren Criss is 5'8" (For the record. I would've guessed he was shorter. He's always looked waifish and tiny to me. I had no idea anyone considered him a tall man.)

Previous: Spoiler - dramedy 10:14 am EST 11/25/24
Next: re: Spoiler - StevenA 12:33 pm EST 11/25/24

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