Maybe happy ending—where is the outrage?
Last Edit: dramedy 07:42 am EST 11/25/24
Posted by: dramedy 07:39 am EST 11/25/24

It takes place in South Korea, a very homogeneous country. We have 5 actors on stage and one of the two leads is white. Shouldn’t the male robot be Asian, a very underrepresented group on the broadway stage. Here is a part written for an Asian but played by a tall white man. Did I miss the outcry? There’s a play down the street about this actual issue called yellow face. I did a search on this board and didn’t see any discussion on this. Maybe it was already discussed.

Also, the actors on screen are listed in playbill. I doubt they get equity salary each week. Does anyone know what kind of compensation actors get for this type of work?

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